Monday, October 12, 2009

A hectic Monday


Adooii penatnyer aku ari ni!! Berdiri dari kul 9.30am until 2 pm. Huaaaaa..nak tercabut joint aku dibuatnyer! Back pain, knee pain ni semue yg aku dpt buat kali pertama klinik ngn Dr Khoo. Rase cam (osteoarthritis) OA & (prolapsed intervetebral disc) PID plak!!! hehehe...huisshh choii!! takmo2...Tp yg bestnyer kes2 ari ni mmg cukup menarik dgn segala jenis pain aku jumpe & mcm2 ragam pesakit.

Below are the cases that i saw in the Ortho Clinic:-

1) Gout - 60/M/male --> discuss abt drugs
2) Shoulder pain - frozen shoulder??? majority cases jmpe ari ni! --> observe the PE
3) OA - 49/M/police officer --> discuss abt operative tx
4) Flat feet with patella alta - 30/M/ lady
5) Baker's cyst -53/M/male, K/c of HPT & DM

this gentleman noticed of this swelling behind his R knee about 4 mth ago. he said that this swelling wil coz the pain when he try to flex the knee. So IMPRESSION?? it could be Popliteal cyst, Ganglion or Baker's cyst. Dr Khoo said it is a baker's cyst! kene bca bout this thnigy! yg penting, nmpk tak kwn2 swelling tuhh???

6) Malunion fracture - 21/M/boy - anak SISTER paeds --> INSURANS??
7) Fracture of distal 1/3 humerus -21/M/boy - budak junior! -conservative tx (arm sling)
8) Mr knee pain?? - ermm ini yg tak boley blaa. Kteorg kene kencing ngn die! (nanti la aku cite dlm next entry)

lepas kepenatan dr clinic, aku g tapau nasi ayam kat cafe serdang. huh! glerr laparrr. Pastu aku ngn wani plan nk g survey tmpt nak kayak esok. So kiteorg cr laa this Wetland Park [terletak di Presint 13, putra yer kwn2!]. Huuhhh...canteekk dohh!! Sgttt!!!...Survey punyer survey dpt tau harga utk sewa kayak murahh sgt! {tade laa glerr babeng!} cume rm8/ hour utk 2 org naik [oklaa tuh kann???, kire orite laa ni sbb kat putra]. So ape lagi? tak sabar rasenyer nk ber'kayaking' esok! yeay!!! jom kwn2! kite kayak ramai2!

mlm nyer plak, aku ngn wani on call. lpas dinner & maghrib kteorg gerak. Kiteorg trus g ward 7E sbb Wani nk tnjuk kat aku ade 1 kes ni nk operate esok nak buat [A.K.A] --> above knee amputation...uwaaaaaaa!!!. Aku clerk pakcik ni informally a.k.a sembang2 jew [tade niat nak present & buat kes]. Die sgt baik! sgt cooperative! sgt friendly! sgt tabah & redha!.

oleh sbb itu, meh aku present laa skit psl pt ni. Ok this is Mr H a 44 y.o gentleman who is known case of hypertension (HPT) & Diabetes mellitus (DM) for 10 years admitted for Elective AKA on his Right Lower Limb.

Back to his 2007 history, it is all started wit a scratch over his R leg. Then it developed and becomes an ulcerated wound. The wound get infected and already involved the bone. Previously Dr has decided to do early amputation, however he condition is not fit for the operation. He had done angiogram and showed 4 of his valves were blocked! ( Alamak kesian sgt!) Before this, he also had 4 operations which one of it was skin grafting. So tommorrow will be an important day for him. Mr Nizlan wil conduct the operation. As been said by the pakcik, potong2 wil take about 40 min - 1 hr ( seriusslyy! cpat glerr). So lets us pray for this pakcik. hopefully he wil be okay! and sembuh cepat2 pak cik! ameen...

oklah gtg..nk tdo!!! daaaaaaaaaaa

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